Deploy Environment
Initiate a new deployment for a specific Environment.
This step will initiate the environment deployment and will not wait for deployment to finish. Environment deployment will continue running asynchronously.
You can monitor deployments directly from in the portal under Environments and/or Slack.
Parameter | Description | Required |
title | The display name of the step. | No |
type | The type of the Microtica built-in step. Should always be deploy for this type of step. | Yes |
target | Should always be environment for this type of step. | Yes |
env_id | The ID of the environment to initiate deployment for. | Yes |
branch_filter | Initiate deployment only for commit/manual trigger on specified branch. If not specified, deployment will be initiated on every pipeline execution. E.g. develop, feature/upgrade-eks etc. | No |
partial | Initiate deployment for specific environment resources with their respective version. Partial deployment is useful for continuous delivery of infrastructure components where each component has its own pipeline. Syntax: resource_version_overrides: <name of the environment resource>: <version to be deployed> | |
In the following example we package a CFN template into Microtica component that was previously added into the environment. This will basically package a new version of the component and initiate environment deployment.
Given the above configuration, deployment will be triggered on environment with ID DEV-5ZKJHq8APy on every pipeline execution.
Microtica allows you to orchestrate environment deployments based on Git branch the pipeline was trigged for both commit and manual trigger.
This is very useful for Trunk-Based Development where for each environment you maintain separate branch. Commit on each branch will build the component source code from that branch and trigger deployment on the appropriate environment.
Given the above configuration, deployment will be triggered on environment with ID DEV-5ZKJHq8APy only if the pipeline was triggered from branch develop.