You can scale your applications vertically and horizontally, directly from Microtica. Navigate to your environment, under the Apps tab, select the application that you want to scale. In the App Settings tab, under Scaling, you will find all the resource properties you can configure, like CPU, Memory, and instance replication.
For vertical scaling, you can enter the minimum and the maximum number of CPU units reserved for the application (in mCPU). You'll get an indication at the bottom that shows how much CPU the application is currently using.
You can also update the memory configuration by entering the initial memory given to the application and the maximum allowed memory (in MiB). You'll get an indication at the bottom that shows how much memory the application is currently using.
For horizontal scaling, you can configure the replication parameter, which indicates the number of application instances running at the same time. The app workload will be balanced between the instances. Here as well, configure the minimum and the maximum number of instances.
Automated scaling will be initiated when the application reaches 80% of the maximum assigned CPU or Memory resources, within the maximum number of instances.
Click on the Save button to save the configuration, and reflect your changes in your running environment. It will take a couple of minutes to apply the scaling changes.