Microtica allows you to define custom variables that can be used to parametrize the way your pipeline works.
In each pipeline, Microtica will automatically inject a predefined set of variables like MIC_PIPELINE_EXECUTION_ID, MIC_USER_NAME, MIC_COMMIT_REF etc. that can be used in conjunction with the custom variables.
Use pipeline variables when you want to:
- parametrize the way your pipeline works
- avoid hard-coding within the step execution logic
- avoid storing sensitive information within the pipeline yaml
Microtica offers two types of variables:
- plaintext variables
- sensitive variables
Adding variables can be done during creating/modifying pipeline from the GUI. Environment variables will automatically became available to use in pipeline runtime environment using a standard Unix syntax ${variable-name}.

In the following example, we are using predefined variables SONAR_URL and SONAR_LOGIN.
We can reference a custom as well as Microtica predefined variables directly in the step parameters. In this case, we are setting the tag for the Docker image to be the value of {{MIC_PIPELINE_EXECUTION_ID}}.
As we marked SONAR_LOGIN variable as sensitive, the value will be stored encrypted and securely decrypted only within the step execution boundary.
Usage syntax
Use ${variable-name} syntax when you want to reference the built-in or custom environment variables from the commands section (i.e. step runtime instructions).
Use "{{variable-name}}" syntax as a templating in the microtica.yaml file. Variables will be replaced with the respective values before pipeline execution.
When using templating, always put variables in quotation marks.
Security consideration
Never hard-code sensitive data in pipeline yaml.
For security reasons, always enable the sensitive flag when specifying parameters like passwords, secret tokens or any other data which is considered as sensitive.
In each step execution, Microtica will automatically inject a set of predefined variables you can use within the pipeline.
Variable | Description |
MIC_COMMIT_TYPE | The type of reference with the change. Possible values: branch or tag. |
MIC_COMMIT_REF | Commit ref. For commit type branch the value will be the commit hash. For tags, the values will be the name of the tag. |
MIC_COMMIT_NAME | The name of the branch or tag. |
MIC_BRANCH_FILTER | Pipeline branch filter. The pipeline will be triggered only if the commit branch matches the branch filter. |
MIC_COMMIT_MESSAGE | Commit message associated with the Git repository revision. |
MIC_GIT_ACCOUNT_ID | Git account ID. |
MIC_GIT_PROVIDER | Git provider. Possible values: bitbucket or github. |
MIC_GIT_ACCESS_TOKEN | Temporary Git access token for the repository associate with the pipeline. |
MIC_MANUAL_TRIGGER | Indicates if the pipeline was triggered by Git webhook or manually by the user. Possible values: true or false. |
MIC_PIPELINE_ID | The pipeline id. |
MIC_PIPELINE_NAME | The pipeline name. |
MIC_PIPELINE_EXECUTION_ID | A unique identifier for the current pipeline execution. |
MIC_PIPELINE_EXECUTION_TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of the pipeline trigger time in UTC format. |
MIC_PROJECT_ID | Project id. |
MIC_USER_ID | User id. For manual pipeline trigger the value is Microtica user id, for Git webhook itâs the Git user id. |
MIC_USER_NAME | The name of the user who triggered the pipeline. |
MIC_USER_AVATAR | URL of the user avatar picture. |
MIC_WORKDIR | Path to the Git subdirectory. Suitable for monorepos. If specified, the pipeline will be triggered only if files in the specified dir are modified. Microtica expects to find microtica.yaml in the specified dir. |
MIC_REPO_URL | Repository URL. |
MIC_REPO_FULLNAME | Repository full name. |
MIC_REPO_NAME | Repository name. |
MIC_REPO_CLONE_URL | Repository HTTPS clone URL. |