
Connect a Container Registry


Microtica allows you to connect your own Docker registries where you would store Docker images built during pipeline execution.

You can use images to deploy services on Kubernetes clusters.

Currently, Microtica supports two types of private Docker registries:

  • DockerHub
  • Amazon ECR
  • GitLab Container Registry

Connect your DockerHub registry

In order to connect with DockerHub registry you would need to first create a Personal Access Token from DockerHub portal.

Go to your Account Settings and click on Security tab from the side menu on the left.

Click on New Access Token button to create new access token. A dialog will appear asking you to enter the name of the access token. Enter a name that will distinguish this token from others (e.g. Microtica Pipelines).

Connect your DockerHub registry
Connect your DockerHub registry

Click on Create button and new access token will be generated. Copy the value of the token in the clipboard, we would need the value in the next step.

Copy access token
Copy access token

Revoking access to DockerHub

If you decide to revoke the access to your registry you just need to deactivate or completely remove the access token from the DockerHub portal.

The last thing we need to do is to add the registry in Microtica Portal. To do that go to Project Integrations -> Container Registries.

COntainter registries in Microtica
COntainter registries in Microtica

Default registry

If you mark the registry as default, when composing pipelines, if you don’t specify the registry the default registry will be used automatically.

Connect your Amazon ECR registry

In order to connect with Amazon ECR registry you would need to first create an IAM user from AWS Console.

From the IAM console choose Users and click on Add User button top left.

Choose a username for the new user and select Programmatic access for Access Type and click on Next: Permission button.

Connect your Amazon ECR registry
Connect your Amazon ECR registry

Now we have to choose the permissions to assign to this user. In this particular case we only need access to the ECR service.

Select the Attach existing policies directly option and search for “container”. Then select AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess policy and click on Next: Tags button in the bottom right.

Choose the permissions to assign to the user
Choose the permissions to assign to the user

Follow the next step and at the end click on Create user button.

New access keys are now generated. Copy the value of the keys in the clipboard, we would need the values in the next step.

Generated access keys
Generated access keys

The last thing we need to do is to add the registry in Microtica Portal. To do that go to Project Integrations -> Container Registries.

Add registry in Microtica
Add registry in Microtica

Choose a simple and easy to remember name when creating a registry. The name will be used when referencing it from the pipeline steps. Enter the Access key Id and Secret access key as provided in the AWS console.

Default registry

If you mark the registry as default, when composing pipelines, if you don’t specify the registry the default registry will be used automatically.

Connect your GitLab Container registry

In order to connect with GitLab Container registry you would need to login into your GitLab account.

From the Profile menu go to Preferences and then choose the Access Tokens tab.

Next, generate a new token with write_registry permission selected.

The last thing we need to do is to add the registry in Microtica Portal. To do that go to Project Integrations -> Container Registries.

Connect your GitLab Container registry
Connect your GitLab Container registry

Choose a simple and easy to remember name when creating a registry. The name will be used when referencing it from the pipeline steps. Enter the Token Name and Token value as provided in the GitLab portal.

Default registry

If you mark the registry as default, when composing pipelines, if you don’t specify the registry the default registry will be used automatically.